/San Francisco

Chronicle Books | San Francisco

You know how sometimes you feel like you’ve just found “your people?” People who also care about beautiful photographs and gorgeous content, people who value the unusual and the unique, people who have a slightly quirky sense of humor, people for whom beautiful paper and flat-edge bindings are a love language? Well, I found just such people on my recent trip to San Francisco when I stumbled upon Chronicle Books, and I am delighted to share them with you today.

Image via Chronicle Books

An indie publisher with three retail locations in the city, Chronicle Books is truly “by creatives for creatives.” An hour spent perusing their shelves led to laughing out loud, smiling huge smiles, gasping with delight, a desire to create, and a really huge wish list of books! Thankfully they ship to Canada!

Here are a few of my favourites that I think you’ll want to check out:

This beautiful, cloth-bound, hardcover book is brimming with inspiration and detail. Taking well-traveled design to a whole new level, Sibella Court captures the essence of exotic locations in the details, colour palettes, textures and artisinal crafts featured within stunning interior spaces. Showing readers how to carefully curate a look that has been “collected over time,” NOMAD is the kind of book that can help you find your interior “voice” in a whole new way. Incidentally, Sibella Court is a celebrated designer who works with Anthropologie. She also owns her own shop in Australia called The Society Inc.

If you have a weakness for the vintage charm of Polaroid photography, then INSTANT LOVE will instantly be added to your wish list {as it has been to mine}.

This charming book trailer has me hunting for a Polaroid camera to add to my creative arsenal ASAP!

If, like me, you are addicted to paper products and love their possibilities, then you will love both the process and the product of this next book, BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON. First, watch the video that captures how the illustrations were created:

And here is the delightful cover:

Even as my son grows older, I will still collect beautiful children’s books when they are this inspiring!

Now, for a seriously good laugh, check out their National Bestseller, F IN EXAMS. Celebrating the creative side of failure, this book has some exam answers I wish I’d given in university! Hilarious!

Remember how I said I came away with a huge wish list of books? This is just the start. I promise to share more from Chronicle Books in upcoming posts {and I will dedicate an entire post JUST to their delicious array of cookbooks}.

Which books are on your wish list? Tell me how Chronicle Books has inspired you and which ones catch your eye!


By |September 25th, 2012|0 Comments

Dave Eggers + The Pirate Supply Store | 826 Valencia | San Francisco

I have a confession to make. I love words. I love their power to communicate stories and ideas. I love their power to connect and bring people awake to something new. Some days I feel like Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web, in need of someone to bring me “better” words like “radiant” or “humble” to describe what it is I’m trying to convey. But that struggle to express things beautifully makes me feel alive, and that’s part of why I love this daily conversation with all of you.

Dave Eggers also believes in the power of words. In fact, “radiant” or “humble” can’t begin to describe the inspirational, world-changing power of words in Dave Egger’s hands. You see, Dave has realized that words and language skills can open doors for kids who might otherwise be left behind. And in a stroke of genius, Dave has set out to change the world one child at a time.

You cannot begin to imagine my shock and delight when – innocently exploring the Mission District post gourmet lunch date at Tartine and Bi-Rite – my son and I stumbled upon 826 Valencia {of TEDtalk fame}. Not just any other store front, 826 Valencia is San Francisco’s only Independent Pirate Supply Store. I’m sure this might come as quite a surprise. After all, one might think the market for pirate supplies is huge in San Fran, being on the water and all. Nevertheless, 826 Valencia has the corner on the market.

Image via PrintMag

A most inventive and whimsical cover for their actual “covert” operation of tutoring children from the local school district, the pirate supply store is at once curious and comical, selling items like rubber leaches, wooden peg legs and bottles of gangrene. The whimsical storefront is also an engaging conversation starter and a powerful gateway to the real work that goes on behind the pirate flag separating the store front from the inspired room in back. Capitalizing on the compassion and talent of local creatives and academics, Dave Eggers offers free tutoring to children from the neighborhood. They may be in the business of selling pirate supplies, but they are also {more importantly} in the business of changing lives. Their impact has been so profound that Dave received the TED Prize for his work. If you want to get really inspired, watch his TEDtalk here.

For now, here’s a great little video to tell you more about it:

So why share this story on a design + lifestyle blog? Because I’ve promised to share with you the beauty I stumble upon in my everyday life. Dave and his team personify my motto: “Beautiful process, beautiful product.” They inspire me to always be watching for ways I can use my gifts to change the world. I hope they inspire you too.

What creatives have you stumbled upon who are using their gifts to change the world? I’d love to hear all about it!


By |September 24th, 2012|2 Comments

Ann Sacks | San Francisco

I have a confession to make. I am addicted to tile. One of my favourite aspects of working as an interior designer is playing with the shapes, textures, colours and dimension that can be created using beautiful tile products. The tiles that make me swoon are always natural stone, but a gorgeous glazed ceramic can make me just as giddy with the right application.

That is why I have a HUGE design crush on Ann Sacks. I was delighted to happen upon their San Francisco showroom on my visit to the Design District and just had to share a few shots of Ann’s jaw-droppingly beautiful tile creations with you. Just feast your eyes on some of the deliciously detailed creations this innovative luxury tile and plumbing purveyor has to offer.

Drawing upon the rich history of mosaic tile patterns while innovating with new materials use, patterns and manufacturing techniques, Ann Sacks is one of the premier sources for exquisite luxury tile products in North America. Be sure to peruse their site for a seemingly endless catalogue of detailed tile collections. Whether you are currently planning a bathroom or kitchen renovation or just love to explore forward-thinking interior design suppliers, Ann will have you dreaming about the possibilities in all shapes, textures and colours of tile imaginable.

By |September 20th, 2012|1 Comment